Listening Prayer

Lectio Divina

Purpose: Literally “divine reading” has become a way of reading Scripture by engaging the Bible with a posture of listening.

Time needed: 5-15 minutes

1 – Invocation & Reading: Ask for God’s guidance and light through this time of prayer. Choose a passage of the Bible and read it slowly, giving space to absorb it. Do this 2 to 3 times, noting what stands out to you (a verse, phrase or word).

2 – Meditate: Think about the reading and ask God to help you see connections with your lifeImagine being in the situation, as a person to whom the words were originally addressed or as one of the characters in the story.

3 – Pray: Dialogue with God about the passage. Thank Him for the passage and ask Him to tell you anything you might need to hear.

4 – Contemplate: Note anything God might be teaching you through the passage, meditation and time of prayer. Clarify what it might be and express gratitude to God.

Prayer of Examen

Purpose: Originally used to prepare for Confession, this prayer method is a way of reviewing the day with God while giving thanks.

Time Needed: A few minutes each day 

When: Typically at the end of the day

First, pray for God to give you understanding and appreciation for the day that’s ending.

Second, with gratitude, review the day.

Third, note some of the thoughts and feelings that arise while reviewing the day. Where was God present? Where was he absent?

Fourth (chose one of them), whether positive or negative, and bring it before God with a spirit of gratitude asking Him to make sense of it. Give thanks as you will. As His forgiveness for sins or regrets.

Fifth, thank God again for the day and anticipate meeting Him tomorrow.